
Sorceress Dragon Nest M

A mage who highly excels in fire, ice, light, and dark magic. She casts devastating AOE spells, which can destroy a huge number of enemies at once.

Sorceress Skills List
Skill Name Description
Ice Cone

Ice Cone Condense chilled air to launch an ice thorn.

Super Armor ATK: Low | DEF: Low

Cooldown: 4 seconds | Iframe (PVE): No
Energy Outburst

Energy Outburst Condense and detonates magic energy at a designated spot in front of you.

Super Armor ATK: Low | DEF: Low

Cooldown: 10 seconds | Iframe (PVE): No
Seismic Wave

Seismic Wave Condense mana to knock back enemy targets, and effectively break Super Armor.

Super Armor ATK: High | DEF: Low

Cooldown: 12 seconds | Iframe (PVE): No
Flame Bug

Flame Bug Launch a flame assault in front of you.

Super Armor ATK: Low | DEF: Low

Cooldown: 8 seconds | Iframe (PVE): No

Counterattack When knocked down, you can get up and knock back enemy targets with the Attack button.

Super Armor ATK: Medium | DEF: Low

Cooldown: 10 seconds | Iframe (PVE): Yes
Floating Leap

Floating Leap When knocked up, you can regain stance with the Dodge button.

Super Armor ATK: N/A | DEF: N/A

Cooldown: 12 seconds | Iframe (PVE): Yes

Dodge Tumble to Dodge.

Super Armor ATK: N/A | DEF: N/A

Cooldown: 2.5 seconds | Iframe (PVE): Yes

Escape When taking damage from enemy with Rigor inflicted, you can immediately disengage with the Tumble button.

Super Armor ATK: N/A | DEF: N/A

Cooldown: 12 seconds | Iframe (PVE): Yes
Mystery Meditation

Mystery Meditation Increase your and your teammates' ATK for 120 seconds.

Super Armor ATK: N/A | DEF: Low

Cooldown: 60 seconds | Iframe (PVE): N/A