
Warrior Dragon Nest M

The Warrior is excellent when it comes to melee combat, he moves fast and has the ability to dash. His physical combo attacks can break enemy defenses effortlessly.

Warrior Skills List
Skill Name Description
Air Slash

Air Slash Crush your shoulder into the enemy target, followed by a series of attacks to knock it up.

Super Armor ATK: Low | DEF: Low

Cooldown: 8 seconds | Iframe (PVE): No
Shock Wave

Shock Wave Strike the ground with your weapon to create a shockwave.

Super Armor ATK: Low | DEF: Low

Cooldown: 10 seconds | Iframe (PVE): No
Leap Strike

Leap Strike Leap and strike the ground to knock back enemy targets, and effectively break Super Armor.

Super Armor ATK: High | DEF: Low

Cooldown: 12 seconds | Iframe (PVE): No
Heavy Punch

Heavy Punch Bashes the target and knocks it up.

Super Armor ATK: Low | DEF: Low

Cooldown: 4 seconds | Iframe (PVE): No
Standing Strike

Standing Strike When knocked down, you can get up and knock back enemy targets with the Attack button.

Super Armor ATK: Medium | DEF: High

Cooldown: 10 seconds | Iframe (PVE): Yes
Floating Leap

Floating Leap When knocked up, you can regain stance with the Dodge button.

Super Armor ATK: N/A | DEF: N/A

Cooldown: 12 seconds | Iframe (PVE): Yes

Dodge Tumble to Dodge.

Super Armor ATK: N/A | DEF: N/A

Cooldown: 2.5 seconds | Iframe (PVE): Yes

Charge You may switch to the charge stance after successful dodging.

Super Armor ATK: N/A | DEF: Low

Cooldown: 1 second | Iframe (PVE): No
Explosion Point

Explosion Point Grants yourself and your teammates a Buff that increases ATK.

Super Armor ATK: N/A | DEF: Low

Cooldown: 60 seconds | Iframe (PVE): N/A